23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue

Paper “Synthesising Expressive Speech – Which Synthesiser for VOCAs?” has been accepted for publication at the 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue” in Brno, Czech Republic, Sep. 2020 :-)

[ Conference, TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic ]
[ DOI ]
[ Springer ]
[ Program ]

Jan-Oliver Wuelfing, Chi Tai Dang, Elisabeth André, Synthesising Expressive
Speech - Which Synthesiser for VOCAs?, TSD 2020, Proceedings of the 23rd 
International Conference  on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2020)
(Brno, Czech Republic). Springer

In the context of people with complex communication needs who depend on Voice Output Communication Aids, the ability of speech synthesisers to convey not only sentences, but also emotions would be a great enrichment. The latter is essential and very natural in interpersonal speech communication. Hence, we are interested in the expressiveness of speech synthesisers and their perception. We present the results of a study in which 82 participants listened to different synthesised sentences with different emotional contours from three synthesisers…

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